Cagliari’s” data-scaytid=”1″>Cagliari’s sporting director admits that the club are working towards selling Davide Astori, but that negotiations are not as advanced as previously thought.

Cagliari’s sporting director admits that the club are working towards selling Davide Astori, but that negotiations are not as advanced as previously thought.

Before the weekend it was reported that a deal with Lazio” data-scaytid=”4″>Lazio for the 27-year-old had been agreed and whilst more recent indications were of talks breaking down, the Isolani confirmed that both the Aquile and Juventus were still in contention.

However, following on that message, the club’s ds has made clear that the situation is not as close to a resolution as originally thought, even if the indications of an exit are clear.

“The situation is clear – we want to please the guy, who has expressed his desire to leave,” Marroccu has told the Corriere dello Sport today.

“Also, we have the need to monetise as we are a year away from the natural expiration of the contract.

“Is a renewal a possibility? It is unlikely.

“There is talk of a gap of a few million, but we are not so advanced in negotiations. We have not talked about figures.”


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