Leonardo Bonucci’s agent has reacted with joy at the news of his client’s acquittal and believes that the player will now be able to focus on football.

Bonucci was alleged to have had direct involvement in the attempted fix of a match between his then side Bari and Udinese” data-scaytid=”3″>Udinese in May 2010.

Leonardo Bonucci’s agent has reacted with joy at the news of his client’s acquittal and believes that the player will now be able to focus on football.

Bonucci was alleged to have had direct involvement in the attempted fix of a match between his then side Bari and Udinese in May 2010.

However, Andrea Masiello’s testament, which the case around Bonucci was built on, was ruled inconsistent by the FIGC’s Disciplinary Commission and the defender was confirmed this morning as acquitted of all charges.

With the player originally facing the prospect of a 42-month suspension from the game, his agent has reflected on the happiness from today’s news.

“Of course I am very happy. All of our defensive inferences have been accepted, we were convinced of the innocence of the player,” Davide Torchia told Tuttomercatoweb.com this morning.

“A special thanks goes to his lawyers. Not only that, I want to thank the people who demonstrated unconditional support for Leonardo. He is now focused on the next challenge, fortunately this is a challenge on the field. These are the challenges he is experienced in.

“Our sympathy goes to the Coach, we cannot go into the details, but we hope that everything will go well for him. Right now we are close to all those who have been involved.”


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