Chievo Verona insist that they haven’t gambled in deciding to replace Domenico Di Carlo for the inexperienced Eugenio Corini.

Chievo Verona insist that they haven’t gambled in deciding to replace Domenico Di Carlo for the inexperienced Eugenio Corini.

The club confirmed the coaching change this morning and sporting director Giovanni Sartori is confident that Corini will be a success.

“It could seem like a bit of a gamble, but, in reality, it isn’t,” Sartori told TMW. “The experience of other Coaches teaches us that.

“Just look at what Vincenzo Montella has done. He went from coaching kids to the first team at Roma, then he worked well at Catania and now Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”35″>Fiorentina. Pep Guardiola did the same.

“If you are a prepared tactician and know the game then age is not a factor.”

Corini, 42, has been appointed by the club he performed for as a player after spells on the bench at Portogruaro, Crotone and Frosinone.

“Corini knows the environment here,” Sartori continued. “He was already in our thoughts a few years ago and this time we chose him.

“Sacking a Coach is a defeat for everyone here, but we thought that we needed a jolt considering the results.”

The Verona outfit have lost their last five in the League.

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