Zappacosta: ‘Italy a dream’

Davide Zappacosta says “it’s a dream to be here”, having been called for Italy’s training camp.

The Azzurri have been working at Coverciano since Wednesday, as CT Antonio Conte looks to assess some players ahead of Euro 2016.

“For us, it’s already a dream to be here,” Zappacosta said in a Press conference.

“We have to use this opportunity. On a personal level, even if I were to make the reserve list I’d like the chance to give my all.

Davide Zappacosta says “it’s a dream to be here”, having been called for Italy’s training camp.

The Azzurri have been working at Coverciano since Wednesday, as CT Antonio Conte looks to assess some players ahead of Euro 2016.

“For us, it’s already a dream to be here,” Zappacosta said in a Press conference.

“We have to use this opportunity. On a personal level, even if I were to make the reserve list I’d like the chance to give my all.

“My chances? I’m not thinking about it. Even with a one per cent chance I’d give my all.”

The Torino full-back was then asked about Granata Coach Giampiero Ventura, who could replace Conte after this summer’s tournament.

“He’s a top Coach, but the choice is down to [FIGC President Carlo] Tavecchio. He’s hungry and wants to show he can do well.

“Conte and Ventura? There are a lot of similarities, they have a lot of similar ideas. They both work well, but now we’re here with Conte and we have to learn his ideas.”