At least one investment fund is interested in taking over Sampdoria, according to reports this morning.

The Blucerchiati are currently owned by Massimo Ferrero, but the President has encountered legal difficulty in recent months.

According to this morning’s La Repubblica, CEO of Capitalia and Carige Paolo Fiorentino is involved with an American hedge fund, Oaktree, which is keen to get involved with Samp.

The figurehead for any takeover would be club legend Gianluca Vialli, who would already have cache with the fans.

At least one investment fund is interested in taking over Sampdoria, according to reports this morning.

The Blucerchiati are currently owned by Massimo Ferrero, but the President has encountered legal difficulty in recent months.

According to this morning’s La Repubblica, CEO of Capitalia and Carige Paolo Fiorentino is involved with an American hedge fund, Oaktree, which is keen to get involved with Samp.

The figurehead for any takeover would be club legend Gianluca Vialli, who would already have cache with the fans.

There may also be an Italian consortium interested in a takeover, but the newspaper believes and sale talks will have to wait until the summer.


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