Juventus have identified controversial Manchester United winger Mason Greenwood as their next priority after Michele Di Gregorio and Douglas Luiz.

Bianconeri sporting director Cristiano Giuntoli is hard at work transforming the squad in Turin as Thiago Motta prepares to start his new project at the club, having now put pen to paper on his multi-year contract.

Juventus have had their eye on Greenwood for a little while now. Manchester United will certainly sell the controversial winger, who was charged with attempted rape, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and controlling and coercive behaviour before charges were later dropped last year.

Juventus focus on Greenwood

Page five of today’s Corriere dello Sport details how Giuntoli wants to bolster the Juventus attack this summer and has put Greenwood at the top of his wish list, believing him to be the ideal fit for Thiago Motta’s 4-3-3 system in Turin.

Manchester United are hoping to sell the exiled 22-year-old for around €35-40m, but his contract expires in June 2025, so a lower-cost deal cannot be ruled out.